Prayer Warriors

It has been a blessing!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When we are weak

41 "Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into
temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

SAY THIS: I will "pray through" every day.
It has been quite some time since I posted anything from the heart. For a time I thought that maybe writing a journal on a my blog wasn't really necessary. Today I believe that any time we can lift the name of Jesus HIGH we should do just that.
Many times we become busy with life, ministry, family, friends and forget why we are doing those things. Is it not to bring glory to the King. To allow others to see Christ in us by our actions and our love?

Today it is my prayer that I will walk that narrow path of Holy living in order to bring glory to God and that others may desire what I have. People in our lives may not always understand our heart for the Lord. They may even attack us at every turn because darkness never enjoys the light shining on their sin...... BUT GOD!
What joy when the Holy Spirit knocks on their heart and they actual respond! Is it not worth it to witness that? :)

Today we may each have a situation that is causing us to want to react in the flesh, but God has called us to a higher calling. His word promises that if we keep watching and praying that we will draw on the strength of the Holy Spirit within us.

Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


A holy life requires daily prayer. God expects us to have a daily prayer life. Through prayer we receive strength and Spiritual guidance from God.

It is my prayer that this devotional helps remind you in a gentle way to seek the Lord daily, just as it has my spirit.

In Christ,

Holly :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


These ladies are my dearest friend throughout the year. I thank God for them praying with me throughout the year, and keeping me encouraged through God's Word. I celebrate them today, because I remember them today in my prayers. I want to say hello to ( Holly, Michelle, Nancy Jo, Lisa, Lynn, Andrea, Carlene, Carol, Cathy, Marilee, and Felecia). I thank God for all my prayer partners; You all are the most blessed prayer warriors. We are on our way to another anniversary year. Just had to check in to keep it going, so we'll have a place to come too. See you on the list ladies.

Friday, February 11, 2011


This morning I woke up thinking about my weight, my health, my organizational skills, the need to study God's word more, etc. etc. etc.

Basically... I was focused on ME! While working on my homework for a study we are doing at church called "Radical". My heart began to switch over to Godly desires.
Shouldn't I wake hungry for what is truly my daily bread. Shouldn't I hunger and thirst after the Lord.

Amos 8:11 says:
Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD,
When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the LORD.

Isn't this what goes on in our flesh at times. We fill up our mind with our own thoughts, wishes and desires when all he requires is our complete submission and surrender to his word!

When my heart submits to his word, its amazing how my thoughts line up as well. Today I desire the bread of life vs the bread of this world!



Thursday, January 27, 2011


I hope to enjoy more times like these with all my sisters. It has been a wonderful year for me, because I can look back and see how it helped to have someone who is experiencing the same things you are, and to have them to talk and pray with. It has been a joy on my part!! I do wish more ladies would come and join us as we uplift one another while we are single women. Because one day we will meet our soul mates, and our role as a single woman will be over. The good thing is this, we can look back and know we reached out to another single woman in need of friendship. Friendship is a blessing, even though it is across the miles. Holly, you make a good cup of coffee my dear. Thanks!


THIS IS WHAT I FEEL IN MY HEART THIS MORNING! Like sitting down with the whole group of you and having a warm cup of coffee as we share our hearts and talk about our dear SWEET SAVIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proverbs 27:9 says:
Oil and perfume rejoice the heart; so does the sweetness of a friend's counsel that comes from the heart.

This says it all. Your friendship and counsel are like oil and perfume to my heart. I have been amazingly blessed to come to know your hearts and I so look forward to getting to know some of you that haven't got the opportunity to join in yet!

Praying for each of you and your needs is an honor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you ladies and I'm thankful for each and everyone of you!



Holly :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Welcome to all our ladies on the Devout women's list. Its a blessing to be here. O let's mangify the Lord, for He is worthy to be praise. I wanted to come and greet each lady that stop by to help celebrate our list's 1st Anniverary. Anniversary is a great time to celebrate. We have come to encourage one another. We have come to praise our God for blessing us to be a group list for a whole year, and I am so grateful that God blessed us to stay connected through this year. We have had good times, great times, and some sad times too; BUT GOD!!! Yes, I said it, "BUT GOD" God has kept us, God has blessed us, and God will continue to keep us if we want to be kept. I am so elated to be a part of this list. I have meet women on this list who is prayer warriors, who love the Lord, who don't mind sharing from the heart. Women are minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the Psalmist say, I will blessed the Lord at all times, His praises shall continuously be in my mouth. Welcome Devout Women. God bless and keep you through the next year. I look forward to it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Amazing Friends!

Hello Ladies,

I'm honored to post how I have grown to feel about you
ladies............ I'm blessed by your friendship and not only that but
the fact that you are a family of Sisters now that have touched my heart in a special way..... Also wanted to celebrate the fact that Hilary may not be with us any longer but its hard to be sad when I know and trust she isn't sick or in pain but praising our precious Lord on a daily basis................. How awesome is that? :)

