Welcome to all our ladies on the Devout women's list. Its a blessing to be here. O let's mangify the Lord, for He is worthy to be praise. I wanted to come and greet each lady that stop by to help celebrate our list's 1st Anniverary. Anniversary is a great time to celebrate. We have come to encourage one another. We have come to praise our God for blessing us to be a group list for a whole year, and I am so grateful that God blessed us to stay connected through this year. We have had good times, great times, and some sad times too; BUT GOD!!! Yes, I said it, "BUT GOD" God has kept us, God has blessed us, and God will continue to keep us if we want to be kept. I am so elated to be a part of this list. I have meet women on this list who is prayer warriors, who love the Lord, who don't mind sharing from the heart. Women are minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the Psalmist say, I will blessed the Lord at all times, His praises shall continuously be in my mouth. Welcome Devout Women. God bless and keep you through the next year. I look forward to it.
AMEN SISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,
I'm so looking forward to our second year together and praying more woman come on board to support one another! You are right Claudia... We all need each other. Sometimes its just a kind word, sometimes its just an ear to hear and ALL TIMES its a heart that will call out to the Lord and lift one another up in prayer...
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